Owen special: Mutual desire that crosses lands
The container with all the furniture for Our New Home just arrived!!!!! Great friend Evan from China donated all the furniture, the excitement is in
Who breaks the walls in the picture? The answers can be emailed to: manpower@kabbalah.info
Tuesday | 3.12.13 The walls of the second floor meeting rooms scivolo gonfiabile should be soundproofed, that’s why friends add a warm layer of glass
Work is continuing on our famous inflatable park post-production rooms. When working together – we feel a joy from good deeds!
Each member screwed his inflatable tent great desire in a common goal – building our home together! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM9Oc8YmgEQ&feature=youtu.be
The post-production area is the pulse, the rhythm, the voice of the new home. There we record the music of all of our musical friends.